cari apa aja kek! :P

Senin, 15 November 2010

Angelic Poetry


An angel has spoken.
His words did I hear.
Be not afraid, my child.
I am always so near.

Those times...when the darkness of night
Seems endless and long.
When the suns warm touch
Is far from the dawn.

You draw yourself in....hide from the dark.
Fear not my child...
For I am thy spark.

I lighten your path.
I hold you within.
You are not alone.
The veil is so thin.

I hear you in silence.
Your fears do I sense.
Darkness is ending.
Light shall commence.

Your pains do I share.
My heart reaches for you.
I weep when you suffer.
My love is so true.

As a called to me.
You needed me there.
My wings to protect you...
To guide you with care.

With forgot me.
You looked another way.
But I am still with you.
How I long for the day.

As days turn to months,
So months turn to years.
You find yourself seeking...
The tears.

I fly to you swiftly,
With wings soaring high.
To embrace your sweet spirit,
Behold it is I.

As youth you did need me...
To hold you so near.
I never have left you, your Guardian
So dear.

I walk with you always.
Never shall I stray.
I am Your Angel...
I will show you the way.


Strong iridescent wings.
She dreams of Angels
And her nighttime is filled
with calm.

And then
just before dawn
strong wings enfold her
holding her still,
as she is caressed,
gently made love to,
warm and tender still,
then peace.

And next morning
she is certain it was all a dream,
until she turns
and spies
one iridescent feather
on her pillow.


Where are you my precious Angel?
Your essence reveals silent ecstasy
Whenever you are near.

At first different Angels appeared in my dreams
Always gazing at me with a knowing, magical look,
then disappear.

I feel whole, at peace with you.
I wish I could touch you.
When I am awake, you appear
With your long golden hair,
Then you disappear.
Almost like my dreams
I cannot touch or speak to you
Because you are busy going your own way

When our eyes meet
Do you feel
The love that I do?
Or is it just an illusion
A fantasy I can never reach.
Is there one out there for me
A human who has truly bonded with the Angel
Inside him or her

I want to love you, kiss you, hold you
I need your compassion
To break through the daily barriers
And my fears and loneliness
Can disappear forever.


Angel of Love, a Heart that is so True
Are You there waiting?
Do You feel the way I do?
Do You know I've spent my life dedicating
All my Dreams to You?

Venus, My Love, I am Your Mars.
Wipe away my Battle Wounds;
With Your Kiss, heal My Scars.

I am Yours forever more.
My search has finally ended.
I am now Your Slave -
Our Hearts so warmly blended.

Dedicated for my Angelic Side, Unnamed (masih gak mau dinamain gara2 bingung mo dinamain siapa).

Dia yang selalu menemani kesendirian gw...
Dia yang selalu memberi kesabaran lebih buat gw...
Dia yang selalu memberikan dorongan buat ngebantu orang2 yang membutuhkan gw...
Dia yang selalu melarang gw jikalau gw pingin melakukan hal buruk...
Dia yang buat gw untuk dewasa...
Dia, adalah "sesuatu" yang sangat luar biasa indah yang diberikan Tuhan ke gw...

"Do not search for us, we will find you.
Do not wait for us, we are here...all ready.
Do not whisper your name, we know it well.
We have loved you forever, time will tell...
We are your Guardian Angels."

Terima kasih karena selalu membisikkan hal2 yang baik dan selalu mengingatkan saya kepada Tuhan, walaupun kadang bisikan2 halusnya gak gw dengerin, maaf yah....


Abaddon - (Hebrew) the destroyer
Adramelech - Samarian devil
Ahpuch - Mayan devil
Ahriman - Mazdean devil
Amon - Egyptian ram-headed god of life and reproduction
Apollyon - Greek synonym for Satan, the arch fiend
Asmodeus - Hebrew devil of sensuality and luxury, originally "creature of judgement"
Astaroth - Phoenician goddess of lasciviousness, equivalent of Babylonian Ishtar
Azazel - (Hebrew) taught man to make weapons of war, introduced cosmetics
Baalberith - Canaanite Lord of the covenant who was later made a devil
Balaam - Hebrew Devil of avarice and greed
Baphomet - worshipped by the Templars as symbolic of Satan
Bast - Egyptian goddess of pleasure represented by the cat
Beelzebub - (Hebrew) Lord of the Flies, taken from symbolism of the scarab
Behemoth - Hebrew personification of Satan in the form of an elephant
Beherit - Syriac name for Satan
Bilé - Celtic god of Hell
Chemosh - national god of Moabites, later a devil
Cimeries - rides a black horse and rules Africa
Coyote - American Indian devil
Dagon - Philistine avenging devil of the sea
Damballa - Voodoo serpent god
Demogorgon - Greek name of the devil, it is said should not be known to mortals
Diabolus - (Greek) "flowing downwards"
Dracula - Romanian name for devil
Emma-O - Japanese ruler of Hell
Euronymous - Greek prince of death
Fenriz - son of Loki, depicted as a wolf
Gorgo - dim. of Demogorgon, Greek name of the devil
Haborym - Hebrew synonym for Satan
Hecate - Greek goddess of the underworld and witchcraft
Ishtar - Babylonian goddess of fertility
Kali - (Hindu) daughter of Shiva, high priestess of the Thuggees
Lilith - Hebrew female devil, Adam's first wife who taught him the ropes
Loki - Teutonic devil
Mammon - Aramaic god of wealth and profit
Mania - Etruscan goddess of Hell
Mantus - Etruscan god of Hell
Marduk - god of the city of Babylon
Mastema - Hebrew synonym for Satan
Melek Taus - Yezidi devil
Mephistopheles - (Greek) he who shuns the light, q. v. Faust
Metztli - Aztec goddess of the night
Mictian - Aztec god of death
Midgard - son of Loki, depicted as a serpent
Milcom - Ammonite devil
Moloch - Phoenician and Canaanite devil
Mormo - (Greek) King of the Ghouls, consort of Hecate
Naamah - Hebrew female devil of seduction
Nergal - Babylonian god of Hades
Nihasa - American Indian devil
Nija - Polish god of the underworld
O-Yama - Japanese name for Satan
Pan - Greek god of lust, later relegated to devildom
Pluto - Greek god of the underworld
Proserpine - Greek queen of the underworld
Pwcca - Welsh name for Satan
Rimmon - Syrian devil worshipped at Damascus
Sabazios - Phrygian origin, identified with Dionysos, snake worship
Saitan - Enochian equivalent of Satan
Sammael - (Hebrew) "venom of God"
Samnu - Central Asian devil
Sedit - American Indian devil
Sekhmet - Egyptian goddess of vengeance
Set - Egyptian devil
Shaitan - Arabic name for Satan
Shiva - (Hindu) the destroyer
Supay - Inca god of the underworld
T'an-mo - Chinese counterpart to the devil, covetousness, desire
Tchort - Russian name for Satan, "black god"
Tezcatlipoca - Aztec god of Hell
Thamuz - Sumerian god who later was relegated to devildom
Thoth - Egyptian god of magic
Tunrida - Scandanavian female devil
Typhon - Greek personification of Satan
Yaotzin - Aztec god of Hell
Yen-lo-Wang - Chinese ruler of Hell

Minggu, 14 November 2010

The Club, LEGACY, Bandung

Backsound: Diplo ft Afrojack - How I Like It (download aja di SINI, MAX VOLUME, HEADSET & REPEAT ONE MODE: ON!)
Place: biasa, KOSAN tercinta
Tanggal Kejadian: Minggu, 14 November 2010 (dini hari)
Other: Clas Mild Menthol & Hot Jasmine Tea

non stop laughing!


Unnamed aja bilang gitu!

Bener2 pengalaman yang gak gw lupain, dengar itu nak, masalahnya belum ketemua saja sama Mamamu waktu itu, kalo ketemua pasti udah Bapak ajak dia! hehehehhee!

jam setengah sebelasan gw rencananya abis online mo tepar, tapi tiba2 temen gw, Si Frans ngesms gw, ga ada angin gada "job" suruh gw make setingan formal mafia, dalam hati gw pasti ni ada something yang penting ni, eh ternyata dia malah ngajakin gw clubbing di LEGACY, Bandung, tapi pada akhirnya gw ya pakean casual mafia lagi nyatai ae, kmeja item slim fit (saat itu juga gw buru2 setrika tu kemeja, minjem ke kamar kosan temen! hahahahha), jeans, spatu formal, rambut klimis kuncir, jenggot & kumis tipis (untung ae ga klimis! hahahahahhaha!)

di sms suruh ke simpang dago dulu bot nyari angkot (najis amat setingan kayaq gitu ngangkot! penampilan kek gitu mo ditaro kmana coba!). akhirnya gw jam sengah 1 cabut dari kosan, jalan terus dari kosan mpe simpang dago, abis itu nek klapa dago trus turun di depan rel kreta api. And then....... PALANG LEGACY NANTANGIN GW MASUK KEDALEM, ya sebelum masuk, gw telp dulu si frans, dan akhirnya gw resmi masuk ke dalem (guest list, atas nama Bape).

Pas gw masuk yaaa biasalah namanya juga club, pasti disambut sama dentuman2 gahar sang DJ yang bikin pala goyang2 sambil dilewati "SUCCUBUS"2 yang sedang lalu-lalang! kalo mo ngomong ama orang juga harus ditempelin dulu tu kuping ma mulut biar kedengeran, ngomongnya mending bisik2, lha ini pake urat coy! jadi ya triak2 di kuping orang juga diperbolehkan kalo di club! hahahahahhahaha! whadda' fool! ~____~U

Didalm bebas ngroko, bebas joget, dan bebas treak2, gw ae mpe piwit2 didalm club, tapi pas gw coba ternyata masi kencengan piwitan gw daripada tu musik keras. hahahahahaha!
Pertama2 gw ga joget, cuman memandang sekeliling aja, kepala sedikit demi sedikit ikut mangguk2 kecil seiring berjalannya dengan beat, lama kemudian tangan ikut bergoyang, tapi pada akhirnya....... spertinya gw yang paling bersemangat di club ampe gw piwit2 dan triak2! gw ikut turun ke hall! UWEDHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNN! GILAAAAAA! PARAH! BODO AMAT GW JADI PUSAT PERHATIAN! sampe ada yang nyalain rokok bot gw pula! mungkin tu orang mratiin gw kali yaa.... mungkin, cuman yaaa biarkanlah, yang penting gw sedang asik terbawa suasana! hahhahahahha!

Sesi pertama gw diajak kluar ama si frans gara2 matanya dia anyep2 kena asep roko, yoda, gw ikut ae monya dia. Gw temenin dia, duduk2 ngobrol2 sebentar sambil liat2 orang ada yang keluar masuk, NAH! INI DIA YANG BIKIN GW PANAS!!! Ada pasangan masuk, cw & cowo, pertama gw cuman liat sekilas tu cw trus gw sadar kalo dia ngliat gw, yodah gw langsung clingak-clinguk lagi sambil ngeliat2 sekeliling, walopun 10 ato 5 detik itu terbilang cepet, gw sadar kalo dia ngliat gw tu lama, ampe2 tu cw ngliat gw mpe2 keblakang! padahal dia gak nganyadar apa kalo dia tu lagi gandeng cowonya! dasar Succubus gila! yodah gw tatap balik tu cw! ampe2 si fran crita gwnya ga dengerin! hahahhahaha! kasian banget tu orang.... gara2 gw kpikiran mulu langsung ae gw ajak dia buru2 masuk ke dalm bot nyari tu cw..... tapi pada akhirnya gw kehilangan jejak.
cukup 1 kata:

Pas gw ga nemu tu cw, yodah gw ngajeb-ajeb ae lagi, sampe stres gw! ampe gw lepas kunciran gw! geleng2 pala dengan rambut tergerai! beeuuhhh! MENGHENTAK GILA MUSIKNYA! HAHAHAHHAHAHAAHA!! mpe digodaiin gw ma cw2 yang ada di stage! TAI! gw ngkat ae jari tengah gw! hhahahahaha!! sori ya mba, kalo mo godain cowo liat2 yah lain kali! JIAAAAAAAKAKAKAKAKKAKAKAKKA!! untung gw ga terlalu buas dan gw masi terkontrol, se-Oni2nya gw masi mandang sesuatu gw..... hahahahhahaha!

dan pada akhirnya gw balik jam stengah 6, balik ke rumahnya si frans lalu tertidur pulas, sebelum tidur juga make bcanda2 dulu lagi! rese! dah tau badan cape gara2 gabisa diem di club! dan parahnya! pada akhirnya gw ga greja dan ga ngliat temen gw manggung di Score.

Rabu, 10 November 2010

The Name, "Tyrael Delacroix"

(langsung saja, tar keburu gw lupa!)

"Tyrael" pada awalnya gw dapat dari nama NPC di serial game Diablo II dan sekarang muncul lagi di Diablo III (gw juga nunggu releasenya kapan, gak sabar booo!).
Dia itu seorang Kepala Malaikat ato bisa disebut sebagai Archangel (ya mungkin sepantaran seperti Archangel Gabriel di ajaran Kristen atau Malaikat Jibril di ajaran Muslim) di dalam game Diablo.
Dan teryata, Tyrael itu ada di dalam ajaran Agnostic (ampe skarang gw masi ngorek2 referensinya). Dalam ajaran Agnostic itu, Tyrael adalah nama Guardian Angel yang menjaga di hari Rabu!! langsunglah kepikiran ama gw kalo anak gw lahir gw kasi nama itu kalo lahirnya hari rabu, tapi masalahnya kalo tidak? Nah, disinilah letak penasaran gw sama Guardian Angel hari2 lainnya.
Oiya! Gw dapet nama ini sejak gw duduk di bangku SMP, ya mungkin sudah 7 tahun yang lalu, dan sampai sekarang masih gw pake.

kenapa gw jadi berpatokan sama nama ini? karena seorang V-lah yang nyeletuk tiba2 ke kuping gw kalo Tyrael itu salah satu nama Guardian Angel di ajaran Agnostic.

Dan "Delacroix"nya disaranin sama V.

selanjutnya gw nyaritau apa arti "Delacroix" itu, dan ternyata itu artinya "of the Cross" (sumber: yang berasal dari bahasa Prancis.

Jadi kalo gw gabungin nama "Tyrael Delacroix" dalam bahasa Indonesia itu artinya "Salib Tyrael", dan itu sudah cukup menandakan kalo anak gw itu seorang Kristen, ga mungkin seorang yang beragama Hindu, Muslim, atau Buddha make embel2 "Delacroix", kalo ada juga patut diragukan.....